Saturday, March 21, 2020

The pros of mandatory service

Introduction Students appear to be overwhelmed by the myriad of activities that make up their school programs. Many would argue that this would be just another burden for them. However, choosing such a stance would obscure the long term merits of the program. Focusing on the short discomforts of mandatory voluntary service causes one to miss out on the great benefits that can emanate from the program. Not only would participants gain work-related skills like team-building and time management, they would also develop a deep community identity.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The pros of mandatory service specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Why the bill should become law Mandatory community or military service would strengthen students’ association with their communities. As students volunteer in hospitals, fire departments, drug recovery centers and others, they will get to learn about unmet needs in their community (Worrall 15). This could compel them to become passionate about filling those gaps and thus more active in their adult life. For instance, a training psychologist could learn about the lack of adequate follow-through in drug rehabilitation centers and this could propel him or her to become a better professional in the future. Alternatively, if a person finds that things are working well in his or her community, the volunteer could develop a sense of pride. He or she will appreciate the valuable work that other people are putting into his or her area of residence. Therefore, the program will enhance community identity and ownership over initiatives. One may also argue that modern American youth are too consumer-oriented (Longo 93). Most of them tend to focus on their individual needs rather than that of their surroundings. These young men and women only care about what they can get out of their parents or the government rather than what they can give back. National vo luntary services would enable such persons to connect with forces beyond themselves and develop a moral outlook (Sauerwein 15). Mandatory volunteer work will strengthen students’ prospects for employment. Individuals who work in community services must build rapport with others. They need to know teamwork as they must consult with paid professionals, fellow volunteers, or beneficiaries of the programs (Light 81). Additionally, these persons must plan their time adequately in order to fit it into their school routine. They will thus learn time management skills. Several students are already doing volunteer work and they do not even know it. One indication of this trend is participation in internship programs. Internship often gives students an added advantage in job recruitments (Shivaun 43). Consequently, the same may be said of the proposed mandatory community program. Opportunities and skills obtained from the plan would be priceless. For instance, individuals would build n etworks in their desired career line, and this could enhance their prospects for finding employment.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion Students require opportunities to make them more marketable to employers, and voluntary service is one such avenue. The consumerist attitude that pervades western societies has caused American youth to become self-centered. This policy could foster a greater moral attitude among the country’s citizenry. In essence, such a policy would make participants better professionals because they would learn about inadequacies in current arrangements. This could cause them to foster change in their professions. Some short term sacrifices always have to be made in order to realize a greater good. Students, parents, employers and other stakeholders will appreciate the proposed law once they see the gains of the policy. Works Cited Light, Ri chard. Making the most of college: Students speak their minds. Harvard: HUP, 2001. Print. Longo, Nicholas. Why community matters: Connecting education with civic life. NY: SUNY press, 2007. Print. Sauerwein, Kristina. â€Å"A compelling case for volunteers.† The American School Board Journal 183.3 (1996): 29-31. Print. Shivaun, Perez. Assessing service learning using pragmatic principles of Education. Texas: Texas State University Press, 2000. Print. Worrall, Laurie. â€Å"Asking the community: A case study of community partner perspectives.† Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 14.1(2007): 5-17. Print.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The pros of mandatory service specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This research paper on The pros of mandatory service was written and submitted by user S0l0 to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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