Sunday, December 8, 2019

Globalizing Resource Management Routledge - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Globalizing Resource Management Routledge? Answer: Introduction This report will provide the brief overview in relevance with the importance of Air Traffic Controller in airlines and to make it more clear and objective; designation of Air Traffic Controller at Tiger Airways Singapore Pte Ltd. will be discussed. Tiger Airways is a Singaporean Airline based Company and it was founded as an independent airline in 2003. The major operations of this airline company starts from Singapore Changi Airport and they mainly fly to Asian region i.e. India, China and Bangladesh. Tiger Airways is mainly known for its low fares and for this reason they have been awarded as the CAPA Low Cost Airline of the year in 2006 and in 2010. To obtain the adequate information in relevance with the designation and the importance of the designation of air traffic controller in Tiger Airways Pte Ltd, job analysis and other relevant techniques will be executed in order to obtain specific results. Job Analysis It is the process through which relevant information could be attained in order to fulfil the requirement of certain posts with qualified and deserving candidates. This method helps the organization to obtain the knowledge in relevance with the requirement of certain vacant post and then appropriate measures are being adopted for recruiting the appropriate person on the vacant position in order to fulfil the requirements of the organization (Chiapponi, et. al., 2017). Job Description of Air Traffic Controller Air Traffic Controller is the authorities that are responsible as well as accountable for any uncertainty happened in the workplace of Tiger Airways of Singapore. Their major functions are maintaining safety measures, giving and taking orders to the flights, prompt response to maintain the flow in the air traffic. This system is responsible for numerous other functionalities and air traffic control system is responsible for providing the information regarding the speed, position and the directing the pilots in relevance with the adequate path for reaching to the appropriate destination. Their duties are classified in various segments; they are very active in their job profile as they need to take various prompt decisions in order to resolve the queries of pilots. They are responsible for managing their tasks accordingly because number of flights are operated in a day and providing appropriate assistance in relevance with finding the adequate path, guiding them in relevance with the l anding, take off, etc. becomes quite difficult and confusing tasks but despite these conjunctions, Air Traffic Controller has the responsibility for maintaining the balance between all these activities (Pylvs, Nokelainen Roisko, 2015). Job Specification Air Traffic Controller needs to manage various crucial elements in relevance with their job profile and the basic as well as advanced knowledge must be present with them in order to perform adequate activities. Certain crucial elements of Air Traffic Control designation are described below: Skills: Before appointing on the position of Air Traffic Controller, appropriate information is tested on the basis of certain tests which are conducted by the airline companies. Apart from these tests, Tiger Airways needs to check the presence of mind of the candidate because the major responsibility of Air Traffic Controller is to take prompt and instantaneous decisions. Tiger Airways is performing their functionalities from 2003 in relevance with Air Traffic Control System. Apart from this, employee seating over the position of Air Traffic Controller needs to be active enough as well as he should be capable enough to adopt advanced techniques in relevance with managing the air traffic (Breaugh, 2017). Knowledge: Executing thee duties of air traffic control system are not easy and to perform these duties in an adequate manner, candidate sitting on the particular position must be with adequate amount of knowledge which could provide him the ability to take countless real-time decision in order to provide prompt and adequate support to the pilots. It is mind challenging task and for the same functionalities, this profession is emerging as the great career opportunity for the people who have an impressing presence of mind capability. Ability: Air Traffic Control officer of the Tiger Airways is capable enough to provide adequate support to its pilots. Training is must in order to achieve to the standards set up by the management of the airline companies for meeting with their requirements in relation with the air traffic control system. In Tiger airways, training sessions are conducted on regular basis in order to provide speedy response irrelevance with the environmental conditions and air traffic volume (Naim , et. al., 2015). Job Design Job design of Air Traffic Control Officer is moulded in such a manner so that adequate organizational requirements could be fulfilled. Certain elements of air traffic controls designation are discussed below: Efficiency: Air Traffic Control Officer is appointed on the basis of its mental abilities, knowledge and efficiency to perform the heavy and difficult task to manage the air traffic. This is the major reason enhancing performance of the Tiger Airways Pte Ltd. apart from this, they have also been awarded with the low cost fare airline two times. In very short duration, this airline company have gained their importance as well as they have built their image in the competitive airline market. Motivation: The designation of Sir Traffic Controlling Officer is quite difficult as well as motivating too. The major responsibility after the pilot in the airline company is with this designation. They both are performing risky tasks because they will be held responsible for any uncertainty occurred in the air or within the workplace. Hence, Tiger Airways has developed certain policies under which Air Controlling Officers are given adequate benefits, high salaries, etc. Providing these benefits motivate the employees and it also motivates them to perform their duties in an adequate manner. Safety health: The design of the job is developed as per the workplace conditions, policies followed by the particular organization, etc. Tiger Airways Pte Ltd. also performs the same activities in order to obtain the goals and the objectives for the organization through designing the Air Controllers activities in adequate manner. Safety and Health measure is quite crucial from the perceptive of airline industry because single wrong response or decision taken by the Air Traffic Controller may create numerous issues for the organization as well as to the people who have boarded the airbus (Metzger Parasuraman, 2017). Mental Capacity: Mental capacity of the Air Controlling Officer of the Tiger Airways Singapore Pte Ltd. is very impressive because with the effect of his appointment, occurrence of accidents with the decision taken by Air Controlling officer is quite low. Recruitment Strategies Effective recruitment strategies need to implement in the workplace in order to attain the qualitative and efficient employees for the organization. This will help the organization to target its goals and the objectives easily as well as it will enhance the productivity of the organization. Recruitment strategies are segmented into two categories i.e. internal recruitment strategies as well as external recruitment strategies (Marchington, et. al., 2016). Internal Recruitment Strategy: Under this strategy, existing employees are promoted for the future positions or for next level designations. This process is also known as the internal job posting. This is beneficial for the organization in various ways i.e. promoting internal employees on the next level will enhance the productivity as well as it will save the time for explaining the process of the organization as an existing employee already knows the whole procedure. Proper guidance and clarification on the rights of his duties will be sufficient in order to describe him their duties to be performed on the senior level position. Along with this benefit, employees will also show their potential and skills for getting promotions and this will lead to the enhancement of organizational productivity (Morgeson, et. al., 2013). While considering the Tiger Airways process of recruitment, the candidate working in the air traffic controlling department on the below position will be more effi cient resource while searching for a manager designation in the same department. Recruiting an outsider will be expensive as well as bit difficult task because the candidate appointed from external resources will require adequate training as well as knowledge regarding the process of organization (Paill, et. al., 2014). Advantages of Internal Recruitment Strategy: Explanation in relevance with the business model is not required to the existing employee; Chances of positive outcomes are more because existing employee is being promoted on its abilities and through his talent; No cost on training as a small description regarding the duties needs to be performed will be enough for the existing employee; Existing employee will require less time in getting the knowledge regarding his future duties. Hence; it will save the time for organization (Paill, 2014). External Recruitment Strategy: This is the process under which candidates are invited from the external resources to join the organization. Implementation of this procedure is executed in most of the organizations at the time of hiring on the initial level (Sheehan, 2014). This strategy could be implemented through various resources such as positing advertisement in the newspaper in relevance to the vacant position in the workplace, posting the advertisement on the official websites or it can also be executed through consultancy firms. This process is bit expensive in terms of internal recruitment process because it requires proper training measures for newly hired employees as well as employees will also require more time in relation to understating process of the organization (Sikora Ferris, 2014). Advantages of External Recruitment Strategy: Employees with huge talent and outstanding capabilities could be hired; With the new ideas and innovative skills of an outsider can help the organization to enhance its performance; Methods adopted by the outsider to perform the activities of the organization may provide competitive advantage to the organization (Sparrow, Brewster Chung, 2016). Thus, mixture of both the recruitment strategies needs to executed in the Tiger Airways Pte Ltd. in order to attain the adequate resources for the organization who can provide the competitive advantage to the organization (Storey, 2014). Selection Strategies Under this process, right person needs to be selected for the desired position in order to fulfil the requirement of both the parties i.e. selector as well as selectee. This process helps the organization in enhancing the performance of the organization. There are a number of selection strategies are available in the business environment which could be used in order to gain the competitive advantage. Following are some of the strategies are available in relation with selection process: Knowledge, skills and abilities: This is one of the traditional methods used by the human resource management in order to select the most appropriate person on the vacant position of the organization. Through this process, human resource team analyses the basic requirement of the job position in terms of knowledge, abilities and skills and according to that, adequate candidate is hired on the same position (Richey Klein, 2014). Outsourcing: Through this strategy of selection, organization hires the employees on temporary basis and after a certain period of time, their performance are validated as per the standards set up by the management of the organization. On the basis of outcomes analysed from this process, employees are hired on permanent basis for the desired position (Govindan, et. al., 2015). Conjunctive Selection Model: Under this strategy, candidate needs to pass certain assessments set up by the human resource management to qualify for the job. If candidate is not able to clear the initial stage of the selection strategy, then he is eliminated otherwise he is promoted to face the next round of the selection strategy (Garca, et. al., 2014). Apart from these, there are numerous strategies could be used by the organization in terms of fulfilment the requirement of the origination with the adequate candidate with appropriate set of qualities which are required to perform those functionalities of desired position. Conclusion From the aforesaid analysis, it can be determined that the role of Air Traffic Controller is quite crucial in maintaining smoothness in the functionalities of the Tiger Airways Singapore Pte Ltd. In order to ascertain the competitive advantage of the organization, the set of strategies adopted by them are quite effective and result oriented. For enhancement of the organizational performance they should focus on adaptation of more effective combination of strategies in relevance with the recruitment as well as for selection. This will enhance the performance of the organization as well as it will also help them to attain the desired goals and objectives. References Breaugh, J. A. (2017). to Recruitment.The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Employee Retention, 12. Chiapponi, C., Meyer, C. Y., Heinemann, S., Meyer, F., Biberthaler, P., Bruns, C. J., Kanz, K. G. (2017). Stress-Related Job Analysis for Medical Students on Surgical Wards in Germany.Journal of surgical education,74(1), 145-153. Garca, J. L., Alvarado, A., Blanco, J., Jimnez, E., Maldonado, A. A., Corts, G. (2014). 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