Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Sex Sells Video Games and Insecurity - 1135 Words

As I continued on to the next level, I encountered an elderly bee, who had one last dying wish--A wish that I would soon fulfill. Oh, sweet pollination. It is the only way to make honey, and the only way for me to move on to the next level. I must help him. However, the elderly bee only wanted to pollinate one specific flower, the sunflower with the big breasts. The sunflower was unwilling to corporate. Then, as I walked away, I encountered a swarm of bees, who only had one objective, to tickle. A lit light bulb then appeared above my head. I had an epiphany. I gathered all of the tickling bees, and forced them to tickle the sunflower with the big breasts, thus exposing her breast, and allowing the elderly bee to pollinate her. The†¦show more content†¦Carrie Reinhard asserts that women do not feel comfortable playing as hypersexualized female protagonists in video games, because the video game industry provides characters modeling a body they cannot achieve, more an object for the male gaze than female empowerment (Reinhard. 6).Personally, seeing the sunflower with the big breasts did not encourage me to feel empowered. I felt weak and insecure because of the stereotypes of women that are illuminated within video games. Video games represent women as a typical damsel in distress, whereas men are viewed as the hero (Brenick et. al. 3). Although, providing female protagonists in video games were supposed to appeal to more women, it subsequently discouraged women from playing video games. Video games do not only hypersexualize women. Although, researches have noted for years that most video games target a male audience (Ivory. 2), the hypersexualization of men in video games has taken a toll on their players (Greenberg et al. 3). Mass media that display hypersexualized men, and women, such as video games, not only encourages women to become anorexic, it encourages men to take steroids, or to excessively exercise (Barlett et al. 1). Researchers, Barlet t, and Harris conducted an experiment in which both men and women were immersed within a video game, that depicted both women and men as hypersexualized (ibid).Show MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Advertising804 Words   |  4 Pagesimpacts on young people. Media has played a major role in influencing people’s perception of the differences between male and female expectations. For example, sex appeal in advertising can have negative effects on youth’s self-esteem, body image and can brainwash their young minds to purchase the company’s products. 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