Thursday, January 2, 2020

How Gender Stereotypes Have Always Been A Part Of Society

Gender stereotypes have always been a part of society through our communication and/or actions on a day to day basis. We see these stereotypes in â€Å"Day Star† by Rita Dove, â€Å"Girl† by Jamaica Kincaid, and â€Å"Barbie Doll† by Marge Piercy. â€Å"Day Star† by Rita Dove is about a mother who felt overwhelmed in her life as a stay at home mother. â€Å"Girl† by Jamaica Kincaid is about a mother trying to give her young daughter advice on how not to, as she put it, â€Å"be the slut she s so intent on being†, as well as general life advice. â€Å"Barbie Girl† by Marge Piercy was about a smart young lady who did not look how society wanted her to look so she cut off her legs and nose, her biggest features according to society around her and died. â€Å"Day Star†, by Rita Dove, is about a woman that feels overwhelmed in her duties as a mother and a wifea b as a result of a lack of time to herself. Her duties as both a mother and a wife seemingly never end for her, or any mother for that matter. She was always busy making sure her two children were satisfied and cared for and that her husband was satisfied. Throughout her day, she could only get a grasp of a single hour in which she could simply sit alone and have nothing to do wherein she could just be nothing. During that hour, she would simply ignore the things around her and be happy in being nothing. But, during the moments where she was back to her duties, she would reminisce and dream of her time alone. This is a portrayal of the idea that a wife andShow MoreRelatedYoung Children And Adults Alike1515 Words   |  7 PagesAfter† have taken on a life of their own, independent from the stories in which they were written. Beloved by children and adults alike, these stories have been passed down over multiple generations. Along with these stories come morals, values, and stereotypes. 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